Woman revives after 45 minutes without a pulse... I bet you've never came back from the dead before.

They are calling it "a miracle."

Doctors at Boca Raton Regional Hospital in Florida have no way to explain how 40-year-old Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro survived after spending 45 minutes without a pulse and enduring three hours of attempts to bring her back from near-death on Sept. 23.

Graupera-Cassimiro, now a mother of two, had just come out of a cesarean section procedure to deliver her new daughter. Then suddenly, she went from chattering with her family to struggling for her life, according to the Sun Sentinel.

She was suffering from a rare complication called an amniotic fluid embolism, in which the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb enters the mother's blood stream. The condition can cause life-threatening blood clots. Read more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2014/11/10/woman-spontaneously-revives-after-45-minutes-without-a-pulse/

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